3 Uses for CampusCast

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Yeah, we are so excited to share campus cast with you and we wanted to give you a few ideas for how you can use this particular uh, software feature. So I've done this little presentation to give you a few ideas. The first idea, um, you can have your tour guides come into the tours office and you can have each of those students record like a generic. Hope to see you around next fall, that kind of thing. Um, you can eat, you can have each of those students come in and do the recording, save their recordings and you can access them and put them in your follow up messages to uh, students that come and take that students tour. Um, second, you could use this feature to actually congratulate accepted students. Maybe you've got the head of the engineering school recording a message for students saying, hey, my name is Professor Zone. So and I am so happy to be welcoming you to the community here at our school in the Department of Engineering. You can make those personal or you could have a generic recording, um, maybe feels personal to students accepted um, to your school. Another third idea, just a really quick one is like how to videos. So let's say you've got someone from the Financial Aid office explaining how to fill out your FAFSA or you've got someone from the housing office explaining how to fill out your housing application. Um, those could be a great use for the side by side view, which is actually what you're seeing now, where you can record the actual person speaking and then next to that um talking head, you could actually have the screen showing you what to do. So hopefully those are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing. If you have any questions or thoughts or anything, you want to run by us or need a little bit of a refresher on how to use campus cast.