Jacob Schrimpf - Vanderbilt Owen - A Day in the Virtual Life

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It is Jacob Shrimp, first year Vanderbilt Owen MBA and it is currently 7 45 in the morning. Today is our first day of remote classes after Thanksgiving. Like a lot of other schools, decided that because of the pandemic and the risks of traveling, we would go fully remote after the holiday to end our semester. So today I am in my childhood bedroom in the suburbs of Chicago, and I will be doing a remote day of classes and group meetings. So I thought you could join me as we go through a day in the life of a virtual MBA. It is now 9:30 a.m. And we just wrapped up on operations lecture on Lean Operations and the Toyota production system. This is a great moment for me to talk a little bit about some of the faculty at Owen S O. Our core operations professor's name is Newman Curtis, and he's been teaching cooperations for many years that Owen and I've been really impressed with him. I came in not sure if operations of something I was going to enjoy, and he's completely turned that around for me, and I've actually found that I really like the subject and he's really ignited an interest. One thing that I love about his teaching style is he uses a lot of simulations. Thio kind of enhanced are learning outside of lecture. We did the Littlefield simulation, which is basically going through a blood testing simulation and looking at that operation. We have also done a lot of examples in class with real life things, things like which which and we analyze kind of the entire operation of which which sandwiches and things like that. So he's in a great job, kind of amplifying, are learning with examples and simulations that kind of give us a hands on opportunity. It's about two o'clock, and I just ate a little bit of lunch after managerial economics. So I'm now getting ready for a team meeting that will happen in about an hour, and this is our final project for strategic human resource management. This is a great time for me to talk a little bit about my classmates at Owen. I was so drawn to the warm, uh, collaborative environment at Owen. I was really interested to see how that would play out in my specific cohort on. So I'm about to meet with three other classmates on They all come from a whole range of backgrounds. One eyes an M D M B A and so does a lot of work in the medical field, and I was a musical theater performer. So the four of us have a breath of experience that I find really informs our work. I've been really impressed to see the range of backgrounds coming into business school and in the ways that are. Professors infuse that into the learning, asking people to call in their previous work that previous experiences their previous organizations to inform the work that we do in the classroom. So I'm gonna get ready for this meeting and I'll be back with you in a few minutes, okay? It's now about 5. A lot of times that Owen, our evenings are filled with extracurriculars or recruiting events with various companies. Since I have the evening off tonight, I'm gonna use this evening. Thio, get some good studying done because we have finals due this week and next. Well, now I have wrapped up my studying to the day, and I think I'm about ready to call it a night. So I just wanted to say thank you so much for joining me today on this virtual day. We were really lucky at Vanderbilt that we were hybrid for most of the fall. So we were able to attend classes, mostly in person, with a little bit of virtual. So this was actually my first full day of remote learning which was planned since the beginning of the semester.