INSEAD Staff Video Interview Tips

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My name is Stephen O'Halloran, and I work in the degree programs team at Yeah, in Seattle. Now, many of you may already know that soon after submitting your online application for the N. B. A or the master of management, you will also be sent a link to submit four video interviews. I've got some advice and some tips to share with you today. Now it's important to note these recorded video interviews are not a replacement for those 1 to 1 discussions that you have when you interview with alumni. It's just another opportunity for the admissions committee to get an insight into who you really are. Now your application will only be considered as complete once the admissions team received these recorded videos, so you have until 48 hours after the deadline to which you've chosen to apply. It's done through a system called Kira talent, and you get as many practice tries as you need. Make the most of these practice questions to ease yourself into the real thing. So be prepared to answer questions about your motivations for why you've chosen to apply to this program at inside in particular. So when it comes time to submit your real answers, you get one shot, so make sure that you're not going to be disturbed. Make sure you haven't got any delivery scheduled to arrive at that time. Make sure your phone is on silent and close the window. Cats, dogs make sure their kept away so they don't disturb you while you're filming. You can stand up for your answers, or you can sit down. Don't try to write out your full answers in the 45 seconds prep time and then don't read them out because you will sound like a robot. Be honest and sincere with your answers be genuine, of course. Make sure that your microphone is plugged in and that your Internet connection is stable. It's just another practice question when really, it's the real thing. Because, remember, you just get one shot for each question. If one of the questions doesn't go well or you mess up, don't worry. You're not going to be rejected because of one bad answer. The admissions committee want to get to know you a bit better, so be yourself. Just answer the questions honestly, Try to relax and you'll do fine.