The Volunteer Creed at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville with Paige

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My name is Page and I'm just gonna tell you a little bit about what it means to be a volunteer at the University of Tennessee. We have the torchbearer statue, Who is our academic mascot of campus and he's torchbearers creed that basically says one that bear the torch shot with oneself to give light to others is essentially what our volunteer spirit um, is embodied around and what it circulates circulates back to. Well, basically as volunteers put others before ourselves, we shine that light for someone else to succeed in front of ourselves. So we're gonna have that group's success rather than individual success. Um, at the University of Tennessee, we always say you can't be a gator, you can't be a dog, but every single day you can wake up and choose to be a volunteer. I'm very, very proud of that at the university. People have to catch phrases such as falls help falls ball means all in all those encompassed together to show that volunteer spirit. So whether it be you walking down pedestrian walkway and someone has a backpack unzipped and you just help them out by zipping it up to make sure nothing falls out. Even having group study times when someone really doesn't want to study together, That's part of the volunteer spirit as well. So when you are a student here, if you do end up coming to the university, so many different ways to see the volunteer spirit, you will see it on game day, you will see it in the classroom, you even see it in your residential hall. So so many cool things to be a part of the University of Tennessee, Very proud to be a Tennessee volunteer.