Texas A & M University-College Station (TAMU) Transfers: 2024 Requirements, Dates, GPAs & More

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What does The Association of Former Students look like?

There’s only one way to know! See The Association of Former Students for yourself by beginning the Texas A & M University-College Station (TAMU) tour now

What other buildings are at Texas A & M University-College Station (TAMU) besides The Association of Former Students?

Texas A & M University-College Station (TAMU) has hundreds of buildings and locations. CampusReel is constantly adding to its growing library of videos. Currently, CampusReel offers video tours for the below buildings:

What are the typical hours, and visiting hours, of The Association of Former Students?

The visiting hours for The Association of Former Students are most likely the same as other locations on the Texas A & M University-College Station (TAMU) campus. We current have insufficient data to identify The Association of Former Students hours and encourage to check the Texas A & M University-College Station (TAMU) Admissions page for more information.

Is The Association of Former Students Nice? How beautiful is it?

'Nice' is relative so we don’t like passing judgement on different campuses. The Texas A & M University-College Station (TAMU) campus and The Association of Former Students are nice to some people, but not others. We encourage to begin watching the CampusReel video tour of The Association of Former Students to decide for yourself. If you like what you see, you may want to consider visiting Texas A & M University-College Station (TAMU)

How do I see The Association of Former Students pictures?

Under each video description you will find a map that shows where the video for The Association of Former Students was taken. Next to the map, you will see a button that says 'Load More Pictures'. Click the button to view more pictures of The Association of Former Students. If no additional pictures appear, then there are no pictures available on Google Maps.

Transportation talk: ride to campus with me!
If you don't want to pay for a parking pass and you're too far to walk to campus, you can join the biking party with me! I live approximately 1.3 miles away from my first class in the Psychology building this semester and it was a simple 5-8 minute bike ride depending on if you get stuck waiting for the cross walk light to turn. At first, biking was challenging and I found myself getting out of breath very quickly but I quickly began building endurance throughout the semester. After the first week of biking, it was a breeze! Put on your helmet, stick one ear phone in your ear and jam out (I specify one because you still want to be able to hear cars coming), and peddle your way to campus. It's good for your health and great for your budget at the same time. Now, if you're too far to bike, then God Bless our bus system here at Texas A&M! We've got one of the best on-campus and off-campus bus systems I've ever seen to be honest. There is a live update on the Texas A&M App that shows you where buses are, and you don't ever have to wait longer than fifteen to twenty minutes. Again, this is a really quick and inexpensive option if you're not a fan of paying for a parking pass or don't have a vehicle here in town. Parking garages here at Texas A&M are amazing as well! We've got so many to choose from, my personal favorite it The University Center Garage (UCG) also known as Koldus! On days that are raining and I don't feel like getting soaked, I simply drive to the UCG and take a ticket. You have the option to pay for parking if you don't have a garage pass! It's a fantastic option if you ever need to get on campus but don't have time or if the weather doesn't allow it. You can check the Texas A&M App for live updates on how many available spots are in each garage so you don't pull into a garage that's already full. All transportation information here at Texas A&M University is one simple click away for you!