what nyu is really like - college update.mp4

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So I'm just gonna be updating us today on my life at college, over a nice little cup of tea, spilling tea about university. I'm just gonna be telling us what it's been like here because I literally haven't posted a video since, Like, um, in the first week of college, so Yeah. Um, I'm taking performance strategies, which is a class about acting and directing. Oh, I'm taking storytelling strategies, which is a script writing class. I'm taking intro to microeconomics and a class called Writing the estate. Basically an explosive story right in class that we have to take it. I honestly, I really you know, for the most part, enjoy all my classes, you know, homework. Not so much studying, maybe not the funnest thing world. I feel like I actually enjoy, like, the general subject matter of most of my classes, which is really cool. Probably like my favorite class Destroyed homes strategies. It's the script writing class, like the coolest, coolest Professor, so chills so awesome. Um, and honestly, even my like general education class internal micro economics, I actually think that's really quite interesting on Guy. Kind of, you know, has been applying, like basic concepts like microeconomics. Costs are different from high school in that there's just more stake in it. I feel like, first of all, like you're paying for this, you know, you want to do well. So you really have to, like, study and be prepared stuff. Honestly, academic Waas I Honestly, I have this just gonna go into this intellectual moment. Like, yesterday I went to the writing center and this lady, you know what, Loki? She claims my essay, which is fine because, yes, it was trashed and she was basically, like, yeah, the site to get that It's not that original. I was just like t because my teacher approved it, But honestly, she was really in forcing me to, like, think a lot deeper than I am used to and being like, more creative, like intellectually, I guess which, you know, kind of having these things that, like, expand your mind scope of thinking. I'm you know, I think that that was, like, very that struck me because I was just like, wow, like I am learning like I shouldn't go in here thinking I like how all the right answers were thinking. I don't know, that was just like a mini growing experience. Okay, but yes, overall academics, uhm I like them here, so yeah, next social life. Um yes, I have, like, has those moments were I'm just like, why am I here? Like, I literally have no one. That was definitely mostly towards, like, the beginning of my experience here. I'm very grateful for the friends I do have here. Okay, Honestly, the thing is, I feel like I'm so busy, like during the week most of the time that I wouldn't even, like, have time taking out with friends if I wanted to. Um, definitely weekends are, like, at least in my experience, more of the thing here we're socialization occurs because I'm myself personally. Definitely something like I can't really do work around people like it's too distracting. Um, but yeah, social, like your Is it hard to meet people? I honestly don't think it's that hard to meet people here, especially for dorm I'm in. I felt like it was very much like community farm, very much community type of environment and something that, you know, I was kind of feeling down about in the first, maybe months Here is that I don't necessarily have a friend, right? I kind of have, like, friends, acquaintances here and there. I don't know, I kind of just accepted that at this point, I maybe it'll happen in the future, but if it doesn't, you know it's okay as well. I think the really cool thing here about socializing, that when you're hanging out, you can, like, always be doing something doesn't necessarily have to be like sitting in a dorm with someone like there's just, like, endless thing to do here. No matter how old you are, when you want to do it where you want to do it, there's something to do here for you. Honestly, the dining hall, they're, like, not that bad. Some are better than others, though. You know, I'm very much less inclined to actually go there out of my way to go there. Not the best, but like they have Chick fil A that has become a big part of my life here. There's a lot of options and they cater to, like, a lot of different, you know, needs Dudley on feed in vegetarian options. College, You know, people say colleges like the time of your life not have built that way. You know, there's always there's a lot to do. I'm gonna, like, make time to do other things besides homework, because that's really important I think you guys, like, enjoy this little update with T. Um, I will definitely be uploading more videos.