NYU Student Interview
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Today I'm interviewing another n u student who? Just boyfriend. Then can you tell them your major and where you're from? Uh, from Boston, Massachusetts. I'm a sophomore is well, and I am in the college of Arts Sciences. Why did you choose well and why you actually chose me? I was recruited for fencing. Um, but since then, I've done so much more of the university, and, you know, a couple other schools were also recruiting me, But the reason I came to and why you and specific specifically was just the opportunities and, well, the location. How do you feel about this student Daddy? We're kind of you say go here. Is there like a stereotype oven and Mei Yue's? Uh, well, first thing I say is that our student bodies to things that very large and very diverse. There are a lot of different people from a lot of different backgrounds that go here. Um, are there stereotypes? A liberal is that I think that word that comes up a lot you're yeah, and while you has a lot of big, great resource is for the LGBT, Hugh. Plus, we also like pronouns weren't things everybody really tries make important here. Most teachers want to make sure people are comfortable under anyone. So I feel like if you yeah, if you're looking for people who are very aware of those types of issue and will, you know, are very accepting like this is a great place to go. Uh, at least from what I have experience and a story's academics coz well about your workload and classroom way like, uh as faras workload Uh, well, it's gonna vary a lot, depending on what your major is. If you are a film study students, I probably won't have tons of, like, hard, difficult homework. If you are a, uh, certain students Esther and business student, you're going to expect a decent amount of homework. Uh, for me as a journalist, uh, my homework load is like barely. There's fairly few assignments, but they're all big and require me to go well, be journalist and do things. Um, yeah, Just Very well, if you're in the sciences, then you're gonna have a lot of a lot of homework. A lot of labs, one hours, everything free health are. That's because I didn't have more tests than he does he like mostly as all papers. Maybe you'LL really like it and find your eye a lot. I obviously have myself here, and I really like a lot of people do. Uh, cons, uh, if you like on Lee, if you like kind of knowing everyone in your community, that's not gonna happen. Um, you have Tio, you have to reach out, really make effort to make friends. It's like there's stuff going on all the time. It's a lot more exciting, a lot more really stimulating. Expanded, very closed off, formed behind walls were literally in New York, which is amazing because it also is like Cam. You run into people constantly and are always seeing people that you know. You're also like in the real world, you're never knowing you're you're always never not in the city you want way. We have a semi quad. It just washed this car apart for just like regular people come all the time. You had to walk around to see great examples of architecture being built or for the past, you know. Here, if you're a businessman, Wall Street, you know there's tons of anyone you connections on. Wall Street Actor Broadway Come on, you know, there's this is this is the place to be and people who your professor's going going to be. The people who are at the forefront of their industry is no matter what that's That's what makes and why you special in there research. Um, that's what put put me over the So that's what made the difference in my application. That's what and why You really wants to see Yeah, that's absolutely right. I just want to say that, like after your apply after you've done while you're feel secure about everything you've done and every come, you've done a lot of greed, I'm sure. Doesn't mean you're not a good student or didn't do things right. You know, it's it's it's a lot of times. If you're smart and you work hard in your good person, things are gonna work out fine for you.