nyu dorms, social life, my major - college q&-a.mp4

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You know what? I'm just gonna answer all your questions. Uh, because you know what? Let's give me a better I'll be more qualified, I think by them. So a lot of people in the first month spend a lot of time on the second floor lounge because the second floor lounge does have a C. Thankfully and literally like a ton of people slept down there. I think it's really, really good for bonding, and I think, actually have like a really nice community. Um, then I'll just run through the other one's really quickly. I don't have, like, first experience with them, but I'll tell you what I know. Founders has like huge rooms, though if you will live in a really big room. Hopefully, it didn't seem too negative, like, really, when I really had, like, a not grateful to my life, really only in like the beginning. Everyone wants to like I have friends and meet people like in the beginning, especially, um yeah, I feel like the social life is good. Keep in touch with the same people and make sure you're seeing people unless you actively is a scientific reach out. Does everyone party or are there lots of people? Joe, I'm sure there are lots of people who do not party. It's not like a, um I don't think it's a huge campus culture. My opinion, Um, I think students are generally independent, kind of like what they want. There's no sort of like pure pressure to do anything that you don't really want to be quite honest. That's just no panties, but you know what it's honestly super common top. Some people say that like you need a big idea, like have fun or surviving the city or whatever, but like, I don't know if you don't really have a strong desire to, like, party or go to bars. Hey girl, how are the guys that you I know are old fashioned? But I was just wondering, And did you get along with roommates? Interesting to know. Then there's like I don't know are the fish boys like, um, I can't really get I don't have, like, a distinct, like thing to say about the guys that you experience with them have been fine. Do you get along with my roommates? I have two roommates and I don't think we've been in any of my video. I was gonna do the roommate tab with one time, but honestly, our skin was really kind of really different. I have not really met any people like that. Everyone who had met in don't have been really nice and really helpful, especially as someone who, like has like not really a lot of background with, like, even just the key is some of the upperclassmen I met. A lot of people really like just have a really cool personal style. I just like love, like people's outfits like I don't know, it's weird um, but I think in general tissue from students are actually really nice, and it's a very collaborative major, so there's definitely a lot of bullets involved, even more so, I think in the leader years. I randomly active, Mr, because someone I know they just needed inactivity. Because a literally every other school I applied to I applied undecided because I don't know, I don't You still I'm like, I don't know what I wanted you in my life for sure. I, like the major are still like, I don't know, like, if I'm a and y you, I'm like that's because the film program is like, you know, such a thing. I'm like, why not do filled with I'm here you know, definitely liked. So I still have my doubts about, like, you know, my major and stuff sometimes. Okay, So I just wrote me a really nice like question, and I read the whole thing. I would just say, like, follow your I got a feeling what really feels right to you and doesn't know that there's always opportunities to change your course of study or what you want to do. Really? You literally have your whole life ahead. So I wouldn't say so. Most of the time, people are like happy where they are, despite what they chose to me during or not me during college. I'm definitely someone who I feel like I'm like a chill person, like I don't let myself get very overwhelmed by stuff like I am kind of which I don't know what could be a good thing or a bad figure like my philosophy is that, like every moment in life is like, equal. Okay, so someone asked what's the coolest thing about your major? Okay, I just think closing that my leader is the classes. I really want to, like, get more into three writing. I really want to get a job or internship, like within the entertainment industry. Like I feel like, really, really Um, but I honestly do you think I have changed? In some ways, I have done things that I didn't really think I would do. I don't know, I think I have kind of just expanding how I think and I've become more like open minded person. I hope that guy's really enjoyed this video, and it was helpful for some of you.