Final NYU Advice

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Hi guys and the soft board and way drinking, urban design and architecture studies, and I'm here to give you some final advice about applying to college. I think the most important thing is to stay confident in yourself that you're special and amazing, and colleges will realize that about you. If they don't back, whatever happens is meant to happen. That is the place you're gonna find yourself. At every campus and every university, there's always two three clubs and dorm events and lots of places where you can find your people in your community. I'm sure that you absolutely will find that. That is how I know a lot of people and have friends. My beats are early decision to school of You're really sure you want to go there because that does your chances of getting in that also, make sure you get a lot of reference letters from your teachers coaches. Anybody like that in your life knows how awesome you are, and they could definitely tell your also having trouble with standardized has s a t u R E C team. I definitely suggests going to group tutoring class, getting private tutoring. You might be doing some activities that don't seem like you know about it, but they really do want to know how. Well, definitely put it down there and you're gonna do amazing.