Dorming at NYU!

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Jan. We have lots of cabinets, so that's always good. Some dishes was, uh, going to be a kitchen that we have our common area over here. So four people live in this room by choose roommates live over here. This used to be a one bedroom apartment, but they converted it into a four person sweet. So because there's no door here, my suitemates put there just like this. Give them some privacy, make sense their closets Right over here. A closet over here, people to bathroom stuff and clean there. Oh, and also, we love to paint when you have a lot of artworks. There's an art over here and some over here, too. Then we have support story there and Karen down here. I think lights is a super big essential tohave because, like in this room, we don't have any overhead lighting. So I have we have over here on my roommate has a lamp that's really important, especially at night. Something important I feel like is one of the usual Kanai shooter. I'm asked because if you remain to staying up on the computer lately, this is really happening. My desk over here kind of give all my belongings, my books, painting stuff here, stuff make up everything. I need more artwork over here and then my beautiful closet. Sure, this cause it ourselves in the left, all ours. We actually kind of rainbow colored it, which is pretty cool in the house cleaning stuff up there in the sides and shoes. I have, like blankets and bags, sheets and towels my guitar and then have suitcases for I go home. Also over here I have my dresser that they gave me a picture that my boyfriend gave me. In here I have medicine and bags and technology and chargers and stuff like that that steps all really important. This dorm is located writing Union Square's called Carlisle Court. It's a really great location because units, where is awesome and the subway's right there. I'm lucky because I don't have a view of Union Square, which would be really loud. I instead have a view of our courtyard, which is really nice to the other two buildings to the left and writer the other two towers of this dorm. Yeah, I think again, when the most important things is my lamp, because there's no overhead lighting in here, so it's super super important. It's awesome because it's also a backpack, so it's really easy for me to carry it out. I think the most important thing about storming here is just making your own space and decorate how you want to. I really like that we have our paintings because that's really thought. It's good to see pictures of your friends and stuff, too.