classes I took first semester at nyu.mp4

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Um, so yeah, I'm really, really sorry about the sounds like these windows are honestly paper thin. You know what? I'm here to talk about the classes that I took last Nestor a couple of years ago. So the first class I took, I was writing the FAA art in the world. This class waas essentially a regular and white class writing essay that all freshmen have to take on cracked kidding this'll class. The reason why it has that little subtitle is because it is a class specifically for Tish students. So only touch people are in your class and the class is a little bit more focused on art like very, very general, but just art in general. This class we had to write three essays for each essay. So definitely going into it, I was like, really nervous lives like I've never had a class for, like, one essay is like 30% of the class um, you know what? We got through it? We we made it as it went on. Ironically, they weren't That's really great ID basically grated on a completion, but yeah, there were a lot of homework assignments. Yeah, this class we just basically learned about how to formulate our own ideas and how should connect very, very different things like very different things. In the process, I was like, very like writing essay, But looking back on it, I feel like I learned a lot in, you know, it's helped me learn a lot by like So I had to read this class in terms of difficulty. Just because I take a long time to write essays in general and, like, just coming up with, like, a very, very original and good idea and, like, you know, continuing it, developing it throughout the essay. This class I just took as a genin it We get to choose one Janet every semester. I'm just learning the basics of, you know, kind of how the world works, how businesses work on a very, very basic level. I thought this class was, like, super interesting, and I could definitely see myself taking an economics class again in the future. Yeah, on a scale of difficulty, I would say this class is probably a three out of five, actually, Hold on. The next class and I'm gonna say are actually film major specific classes. You know what that is like five hours and class in this class, we basically learned the fundamental of sounds like me. Like actually like stuff I remember from physics, like sound waves, all that stuff, but yeah, we went over that And then really, in the beginning half of the class, we would learn how to use pro tools, which is an editing, sound editing software. I can locate the report, but some of the other things, But yeah, going into this, I was like, I didn't know we had, like, I was, like, way have to do like technologies. So I think everyone with a sufficient amount of knowledge in pro tools um, for this class, basically how it worked every week we had a homework or almost every week, Not always. Then also the next week in class would all present the assignments in class, which was like, It's definitely a motivator, like I don't want to look for that look really bad, you know what I mean? So that definitely motivated me to, like, you know, work hard as well to get good grades in terms of amount of time spent in this class. If you know it's really just like you have put in what you want, you can put in like not that many hours, like 23 maybe four hours and get like a decent grades. Like I was like, Oh my God, how do you do this? That this, like I was trying to remember everything he said in class, and I didn't remember one time I thought I record one time. Here's the difficulty I would get this class a three and 1/2 out of five. So in the beginning, we just learned, like fundamentals like bare bones of script rating, just which is essentially formatting like, you know, how did you headings and stuff like that? So learn the basics of that, which was really good, because I even though it's like basically I didn't know that at all, like I have never used a script writing software before, so that was good. Then also in this class, what we did, we had a lecture and a recitation. A lecture is just a bigger class in a bigger room and lectures on a recitation is just smaller class, like about 13 in people. It was like, Honestly, great way watch like some really, really, really good films. I want to come across like I hope this is like, actually funny and not just like in my head. So, you know, it was kind of nerve racking, but I also think it kind of forced you, you know, to do a better quality of work. Even though it waas, I was like, I really did not want to present myself in the beginning because I was like, That's scary. So this class I really enjoyed it was always like a fun class for me. I felt very engaged with, um I would say on a scale of difficulty, I'd probably give this class, um, also a three and 1/2 out of five, and honestly, this will probably even though I'm giving a three and 1/2 out of five. I guess that's like in general with college, though you don't really know your greens like I had no idea what I had class like ever. So that was the thing, but yeah, they really enjoyed story long strategies and then and final class that I took last semester was called performance Strategies. Uh, but basically, in this class, this class was an acting and directing class. We did a lot of acting exercises, and we also did a lot of directing, so we would have classic speed actors and then we would direct them, which was really cool. Something about this cost is actually, it's a past bill class, but so, like, it's like, actually pretty easy, like it's it's not hard to fail. Like if you just do the whole work, you will pass, you know? So I would say, in terms of difficulty, this class was probably like to guzzling. If you still have any more questions leaving down below, I'm definitely let me know if you got any more video request, and I will talk to you in my next video by Oh, I think my second time recording it cause I look ugly in the person I probably still do.