Applying to NYU

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I'm here to help you out with a little college application Advice. If you are applying to you, I think the most important thing about applying to colleges is to just be yourself because no one else is like you. Colleges don't just want to read application after application of the same exact person who did really well in school but didn't do anything outside of school. So make sure you're doing a lot of extracurriculars and maybe some community service that's really good as well on DH definitely share stories that are special to yourself and things that you've experienced that no one else can write about. When you're applying to and why you they're going to ask you why you want to come here. So I really suggest you do a lot of research on this school before you do so because you can research what kind of students already go here and the qualities in them that they think is important and that will help them better see if you fit here and that's the stuff that they want to see. Something I wish I knew while I was applying GNU is that it's not the end of the world if you don't get in and you don't have to be perfect, No one is perfect. They just want you to be interesting and cool and see what you're passionate about. So I early decisions and why you and I think that may have had a difference getting accepted because you are more likely to get accepted if you do early decision. So if you're really sure that you want to come ten by you, that you should early decision.