A Day In The Life Of A NYU Student 2019.mp4

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It's Tuesday, April 23rd and it's like 9:30 a.m. Sorry if you can hear some sounds, your city is like that today. I'm going to be filming a day in my life as a college here. Why you So, Yeah, I'm just going to take you guys along from day and surprising. I do like a week in my life, some weekends, but yeah, today we're just gonna do a day, a day in my life. So first of all, my day started off very nicely because my eight am most canceled, so that was lovely. I still look up pretty early because I kind of had a lot of stuff that I want to get done today. I put my laundry in the laundry machine as I meant to do that. Our I need to put 20 images in my look book for a class. I need to complete the first draft, the script for my final project, and I need to find some footage to put in our documentary like found footage for documentary project, and I need to interview three people. Hopefully, I can get three for a documentary project yeah, that's on my to do list for today. Hopefully filming all this, like, you know, motivate me to actually do it because we're going to see my day. I actually be ableto way better without this jacket. I am just always have this fear that I'm going to be freezing when I go outside. My first class starts in about an hour, but I just want to get some food and get settled before that. So I will see you guys soon is given by Hey, so I'm in this classroom right now. You okay? Well, now I'm just going to interview. Um, And then we're gonna meet up with Darren and Raven and see a movie we're seeing after which I don't really. It's like it looks terrible, but I read it in some grade, and I read it on what path? Like I was in Oji san. I told Amanda I lost my glasses, so I can't read any of those words that way. Some might call it some might call it a bunch of montages in random ass songs. Yeah, All this lighting is so bad. It's so flattered. So I just got back to my door and you're just gonna go over way, Do not a single use plastics. I hope you guys enjoyed it, and I'll see you next time.