Growing in the Art of Teaching at Equality with Cristina Strahle

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It's focused on the art of teaching a community of professionals with high standards who take their time to polish their lessons to research, to give meaningful feedback, to connect with the parents, to connect with the students in the class and outside the classroom. Learning and equality happens at all levels, especially for us, the professionals, right? One of the main things that we are always always growing and exploring is the art of teaching itself. Our community has qualified team who supports anyone who is teaching for the first time, or even those who have been teaching for a long time. Once you join the team, you're gonna see that other people come to help you and you start learning from everybody until you decide, hey, this is gonna be my style. This is going to be how I'm going to conduct my classroom, my subject and everything gets easier and easier. Again, from that idea of refining that teaching art, That's how we do it at equality.