CampusReel Webinar: Turn Any Video Into a Lead

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It could be as simple as a yes or no or if you have a specific way that you're achieving lead generation through video, I'd love to hear it. Um, what we've generally found right now is that video viewers are your most engaged prospects and also therefore your most engaged leads. So my first question is for everybody is are you doing anything to convert people watching your videos into leads? Not necessarily sending them a video after they've already entered your funnel? But are you growing the top of your funnel with people watching content? If you guys want to type in yes or no, that'd be great. Um, you know, we're, we really pride ourselves on solving the video equation, which is to create more video content at a fraction of the cost and a fraction of the time. As we were figuring out this core service, we realized that video as a whole, as an entire medium, not just authentic video about any video that's ever been created, Many of which require a lot larger marketing budget, right? Some schools spend $50,100,000 in a single video. Um, and they'll create this video asset and then they'll distribute it right. Um So we realized there was this bigger opportunity here for campus real to really come in and the and the the video Platform for all of higher education and actually K through 12, hopefully knock on wood. Um And what that means is having a full service video offering. Um, and if we do that, I actually think it will, it will enable universities to spend and invest more money into video right right now because there's such an unclear understanding of the video actually drove an application or an enrollment, You end up spending less on it You end up doing it to check a box. What we found this video is probably the most important medium to invest in. I'll show you how to configure your own video elite form. If your website gets 1000 video views a year, which is probably on the low side, we could probably expect 100 to 200 of them to fill out the lead form. Um, and if your site isn't necessarily converting, uh, inquiries or leads, well, then turning your videos into an opportunity to do that is really huge. Um, if you're streaming it through Youtube you're just kind of leaving a lot of value on the table so you can host and stream and store as many videos as you want on the site. It will also determine the most valuable videos Which videos are converting the highest rate of applicants And that's a very useful piece of information to know as well as the pages that are converting the most leads. Right? If you embed a playlist of dorm videos on your student life pages or your residence, all pages, you're going to get a very, very high conversion on that content. If it's more generic video on more generic pages, you might get less conversion. I can't tell you guys how many schools we see like streaming content through Youtube and when they're doing that, you know, you hit pause and I will get a Lebron James highlight like dunk highlight or something or Steph curry recipe videos. Um, so campus real really helps preserve all that engagement with our, with our video player. Um, a lot of times schools will answer, you know, the video our, our ally question by saying, you know, maybe we pixel the people who watch our Youtube videos or we can see a view count of who watches our Youtube videos. Um, and that's why I do think schools uh, struggle to adopt video more holistically as we want them to on the right side. It builds brand affinity and engagement with the content that you care about and it enhances conversion and ultimately turns video into cold hard data. There's a couple of notes that I think those are frequently asked questions that I'll get from folks on, you know, over email and stuff just to be perfectly clear and restate this what we're going over in this customized lead form and everything that we're talking about applies to when you take your videos and are embedding them and hosting them on your website, start posting them through campus Real but embedding them on your website. That's a great point to emphasize, Thanks for clarifying it lisa I have presented this assuming that you guys know that you can embed a campus real video or a campus real playlist directly on your own website. The same exact way that you would do it with a Youtube video. Um, so what you'll see here, what you probably have some familiarity with already is a videos page and a playlist page. Then also a video are 54 more, sorry, video lead form page that we're going to talk about today. Um, what lisa and I were just talking about is the ability to generate in a bed code for any video. Also preference you might have noticed that uh on this up I have to remove the skip option to show you but on this video player Colgate had a little logo that it's set in the top left and they actually also yeah here on the top left and they changed this background slider or background menu to black with a red time slider. A lot of video players out there are not conducive to contrast colors. You can also set the logo to link somewhere maybe you want rather than a logo to show a button that says apply now or visit campus and if the user clicks that they'll get taken to whatever you are all you said, So that's why it Colgate's video player looks the way it does now. In terms of the video form itself, uh everybody has access to this in your admin panel. Um And then when you turn on lead generation for any video on campus drill or any playlist on campus reel, all the branding and questions that you've set for, the different user types will take effect. At least it was there anything else that you wanted me to touch on? Yeah, I had a few, a few things that I think kind of, Well I noticed that like syndicated had a question around, can you, can you put this on every video or is it said at the account level? Um, and I tried to answer that question in text, but I think if I talked to it's easier, um, you have the option to apply this, this video lead capture the R. F. I. You can put it on any video, you can put it on any playlist. You might have videos that are embedded onto like an admitted students page. So you might as well just leave that form off of those videos. You have, you can configure it one time and have it apply to any video that you embed across your site, but it is not going to be one and done. It's not like every single video now has an R. F. I. That appears. You'll be able to have a segmented view of just video R f I leads. There's one configuration for this, Right? So if you configure it in your back end and then those fields, those questions are going to anywhere across your video library or a playlist that you use this feature, those same questions, those same fields.