A Look Inside COVE: Colgate's Center for Outreach, Volunteerism and Education

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Today I want to talk about Cove, which is Colgate Center for Outreach and Volunteerism. All the Cove is an awesome place to get involved with. On campus, the Cove offers so many different types of groups everything from So Mac, which is our student, volunteered E M T service volunteer firefighting, everything to pure tutoring, with local middle schools serving in local soup kitchens and partnering with our town Hamilton to help them out in times of need. The cove was opened in 2000 and one, and since then we've had over 10,000 student volunteers, which makes over 500,000 volunteer hours. In total, we've saved community organizations about $12 million in their salaries. Truly, when we all work together in this cold community, we can have such a big impact at Colgate in Hamilton and beyond. The cove is open from 8 to 4 30 every day, and it's really an awesome space for you to reflect on your time here as a student at Colgate and see how you can get involved in and around campus, as well as with our local Hamilton community. I would definitely say that the campus culture at Colgate is all about helping one another out. My friends, all of us have participated in a program through the cove since our time here. I'm pretty sure everyone does at least one thing through the Cove during their four years here, because that's really just the mentality of being at Colgate. We want to help the larger Hamilton community and pulled it. Hamilton are super connected, which is something really special for living and learning in such a small college town. Now, for my personal experience with the Cove, I'm a peer tutor at more still in middle school, which is one of the middle schools in the towns next to Hamilton. We do tutoring twice a week for students in grades fifth through eighth grade. We help them up their homework, but also it's just a really good time getting to know the kids as well. I started doing that my freshman year, and I'm currently a sophomore, so it's been awesome to really stick with these kids and see how they grow some of the other awesome events done through the cove. One of them is Colgate buddies, where we work with special needs students and my other favorite one is trick or treating and the during Halloween in the town of Hamilton. It's really fun getting to go around town and trick or treat with kids. Um, a lot of times professors come and bring their families to. It is an awesome place to get involved with on campus. If you're interested in any type of outreach or volunteer work, the last best thing I'll say about the Cove is that you can really choose your level of involvement. If you just want to work with the code occasionally, maybe once a semester, that's fine, too. It's really nice to have that flexible schedule and being able to choose how involved you want to be. The cove is awesome about communicating all their events and clubs. Every week you get an email in your Colgate inbox about all the events and groups that are meeting through the cove that week. They're always so welcoming and your time and your thoughts, um, are really valued. So if you're interested in any type of outreach, your volunteer work like habitat for humanity or cleaning up our campus helping it a more sustainable place. I would totally recommend checking out some of their programs once you're around campus.