Entering the Ivey MSc Program with a Science vs. Business Background

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Today we're gonna be giving you two different perspectives on what it's like coming into the I V MSC program with a science background and a business background. So I'm going to start by asking Kensi a question, and she'll tell me what her opinion is on this program So far. When coming from a business background, how did you find the transition from undergrad to a master's program at the Ivy School of Business? E found the transition to be very seamless because in my undergrad actually took courses over top line. Ivy Professor and I had experienced the case based approach previously, so I found that the learning cell didn't change as I had already learned the skills and how to study and learn in this particular way. So I found a very beneficial Nouri hands on experience and that I was able to apply my previous knowledge and skills to my current settings. So overall the transition was not difficult whatsoever. Sarah, when you come from a science background, how did you find the transition from under guide in a master's program to your Ivy Business school. I found it, to be honest with you, very overwhelming. At first I had no background on the business field, and so coming into the MSC program, I didn't know what to expect. I didn't really have something to base my learning off of. I didn't even really know anything about the basics of business. So coming into the case based approach and entering into the I V essentials, which is basically, um, where the MSC program teaches you a very fast pace of the basics of finance, accounting, leadership, strategy those kinds, of course, is it was a lot to take in at first. What I found was just learning from my peers and kind of just taking everything in, um, as it came was the best approach that I could take. Eventually, you know, I caught up to everybody who had the business experience in background. Um, I did have to work a little bit harder, I would say, but overall, just using the resources that I've provided me with and really studying the material that I was given benefited me in the long run. Honestly, how did you find the ivy, essential courses even coming from a business background. Did you find that there was overlapping that they were similar? Or did you find that you learned new things when taking these forces? So overall there was a lot overlap, and I also found that possibly some teachers have different perspectives, even though I took similar courses. For example, finance, I've taken finance courses in previous past. When coming into this course, some professors have different perspectives. So it was refreshing as I got to learn, I guess, different aspects in different concepts, from a different viewpoint of the professors. So I guess I have now a more diverse range of how I can approach the situations differently and how I can apply my knowledge in different ways. It was like a refresher for me because I had already previously learning and knowledge. So I just got to reapply it and make sure it was still fresh in my brain when coming into the second semester and where we're applying these skills now into different areas and new concepts. I guess, the adjustment to the different teaching cells and the different like expectations of professors is what challenged me more. Yeah, so I totally agree with you that the professor's played like an important role in us, learning that I've essentials in a different way and from different perspectives. Like, I found that depending on how the courses being taught in the style of teaching for that particular professor, I was either more or less engaged, and it really contributed to the effectiveness of the course. Looking back like I know when I was going through it, the strategy course, specifically Glenn, are Professor Glenn Bro seemed super intimidating and scary, and you were kind of a little bit nervous and scared to contribute at times. Looking back on it now, I'm so thankful for his teaching style in his perspective, because it was the course was so engaging. He always challenged you to think of new ideas and think of things in different ways, and I think that's really where the benefit comes from in the Ivy approach, and I think it reflects back to the main model we learned in our very first day was to be comfortable with being uncomfortable, because Glen Road was extremely intimidating by agree, I learned the most like presentation wise and gain my point across the most effective in his course. Because if you didn't have your point across within 10 seconds, you were cut off and he moved on to the next person. Yeah, like you said, intimidating, but it made you such a more efficient and effective presenter. Well, thank you, Kenzi, for chatting with me about all these things. I hope our viewers got some inside scoop on what life is like an I b. And coming from two different backgrounds per se.