Zura floor and room details

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When you're in the dorms, people come like everyday to clean the bathrooms and the halls and everything more study space. You get to, like, decorate your store room and you have a little bored. Most people have roommates that you can buy singles if you like your personal space. So are we on any specific like living floor? I know they have different themes. I'm going to be in our next year then I'm really hoping that ghetto deserve for thirty years because this building has become my home familiar with Yeah. What would you say is the best and worst part about living in the dorms? I think the best part is being able. No, we're in the community with sort of doing what you're doing and get, like go through things with them. I think one of the worst parts is sometimes the lodger is can be crowded. You might go down there, bring all your stuff, and then find out that writing machine has taken B a. Get him. What do you feel like? The general vibe is of the students here. What does it feel like to you? Feels like like a fan because everyone's looking out for each other. There's not really any issues that go on, very prevalent. So just so you guys know, you know, we have some space under your bed. You the room comes with these drawers, two drawers and actual, like closet space. So it's not too much base, but honestly, it's not going to get much better than this. Obviously, you can decorate your room if you want to sew.