Women in Medicine Trainees' Council (2020-2021)

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I'm actually one of the senior G I fellows here in MGH, and I'm here today with Jacqueline. We wanted to both welcome you on behalf of the MGH Women and Medicine Trainees Council. Really, our mission is to serve and help advance and support the careers off female trainees and female identifying trainees. It's nice because it spans both residency and fellowship. So you get to know people, uh, in a lot of different fields and in a lot of different levels of their careers. Um, in addition, Thio residents, trainees and fellow trainees, we also have a very close relationship with faculty all across MGH, as well as recent, uh, events where we've really reached out to the medical school and tried to coordinate some events there to really help span the full trajectory of our medical training. Yeah, one of our usually like really big events that we have every year is a big picnic or cookout, I guess, uh, Katrina's house. We weren't able to have the big version of that this year because of co vid. You can see some pictures of fun events in the past that we've been able tohave. This year we were able to do something on a much smaller basis, uh, which was also still a lot of fun. We also had a really fun Ballantine's event last year with other departments like surgery, neurology and emergency medicine. Some of the more recent things that we have done include helping to advocate for badges that identify us all as Dr. You might see these at various institutions as well. Um, Dr, written largely as we know, that from the literature that it's not always known when patients and other providers and even family members see female trainees and female physicians that were identified as our rolls out. Some of the recurring things that we have done that have really caught on have been, um, Anania all negotiations conference, where we train trainees, all of whom are invited to really work it work on and hone in on negotiation skills which can really be applied, not only thio your work life, but also your home life. We're excited to have you guys and way hope you enjoyed learning about the woman in medicine group.