Abby – Prelim Year

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Anything doing your pre olympic year here at MGH. There is a lot of inpatient medicine on the Bigelow and I love that because I feel like I'm really able to learn from those Bigelow experiences as much medicine as I can in a year and it's amazing how much I've just been able to learn in the few short months that I've been here as a prelim to. I really just feel part of the general categorical residency. Some of my attendings haven't even realized that I'm a prelim until the end of the rotation when I tell them that I'm a problem. So I think that's a really great testament to how cohesive the residency is as a unit. A lot of my attendings will make sure that they teach something every single day and adding that up over the two weeks on the Bigelow, I'm able to look back and realize how much I've learned in such a short period of time. I have truly loved my prelim ear here at MGH and I cannot wait to welcome you all next year.