Winter Wonderland at High Point University with Keilah

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I recently attended the winter wonderland here at high Point University. Our canvas activities team also known as cat puts on a lot of these events throughout the semester. Um, and this one specifically happened in the winter and they had things such as fake snow, um, inflatable ax throwing a little penguin escape game, a bunch of carnival games as well as some mini golf. Um, they had christmas lights, they had a snow globe as you can get in, take pictures. They had um, make your own christmas stuffed animal. Um, I personally made a gingerbread and they also had um, popcorn and like chocolate peppermint candy. Um, so are high point university campus activities team always does these little events throughout the semester where they just host a bunch of different items. They really just encourage your students to get out of the room and meet new people. It's a great way for you to kind of get out senior people across campus as well as get some free stuff. Um, and then they also do have horses are characterized at these events as well, so there's a lot going on. Um, and you were able to stay out there um, from the beginning to the end of the event and try to enjoy everything as you can. Um, and so it's really great that we have this opportunity to get out maybe people as well as like have some fun, but then playable ax throwing or hitting the little carnival games. We're playing the miniature golf and then also being able to take something home so we can always remember it. Um My little gingerbread will help me always remember this event, and I definitely enjoy looking forward two days every year.