The Bryan Information Commons (Library)

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So this is the Brian Information Commons or more formally known as the Library. What most of you were thinking is that there's a Starbucks here. Yeah, there is a star books on the other side of the building. Uh, it's home to two floors of open computer space. Ah, you typically see a lot of group study in there. A lot of people working alone, nice couches to work on. There's also a lot of max and pieces that you can use it if you want access to maybe some programs that the university has that you don't have on your computer. Or maybe some things that are special to Mack on Lee. Yeah, just some really cool stuff that you could do it, Brian. Uh, you'll see a little bit of the walkthrough. I just didn't want to be too disruptive and make too much noise. Here is just a little view of the Brian Information comments Thank you.