Prince Lawn Academic Quad

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Uh, this is the second academic quad here in coastal Carolina University, so right now might seem kind of quiet on a Saturday afternoon. During the week days, this place is very crowded with cross traffic from all the different academic buildings, considering this is in the heart of campus, so right now it seems quiet. I promise you, these walkways air filled with people, assume his classes let out on weekdays. It's It's really like depending on what Coast Carolina is, because that's where we have a lot of our events and a lot of like the club's fair and Activities fair was held here. There is much of tense all out in the field here, and, uh, just much of cool events happen here on Prince Lan. One thing I wanted to point out here is the road Rooster. The Road Rooster is a really cool food truck that we have here on campus, and it allows you to grab a quick meal with your with your dying dollars on your C no card. In case you don't want to make your way all the way over the dining halls or or if you're just running late to class, going to grab a quick bite to eat, it's a great place to hang out and grab some food while you're on the go.