Why I Chose Susquehanna University with Tyler

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I am a double major in both vocal performance and theater performance. Some things I'm involved in on campus would be our university choir. I'm also the president for Alpha PSI Omega, which is our theater honor society we have on campus and I also work in the theater departments, box office to what is it that led me to choose Susquehanna as my college. So I actually came here first for the Coral Institute, which was one of our pre college programs we have here. When I was in high school, I came, got to live on campus for a week. I got to be in a choral ensemble, take lessons with professors. We also get to meet students that have tons of fun events. That was a big part of what made me first think of Susquehanna as a potential home for me. Some things I really appreciate about this campus would be the strong sense of community, both among the students, but also among the faculty here too. It's always super nice to have small class sizes and always get attention from your professors. If you ever need any help in your classes or if you're looking for potential internships, letters of recommendation makes those a lot easier to attain with being a liberal arts school. We obviously have to take classes outside of our major as well, which is something I really appreciate. Some of my favorite classes have shockingly been outside of the music and theatre fields and ever since coming to Susquehanna, I've loved it so much.