(Officially) Meet Mary!

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We're gonna she's gonna talk about her experiences here and stuff like that. I'm from Naperville, Illinois, which is about an hour outside of Chicago. Um, I'm an ot Major and Spanish miner here at Scranton. Why'd you choose Fran? I chose Scranton because of the amazing Oh, see program. What they have here, I loved going down to Leahy and just seeing all the like Pete's lab and just the bill. Oh, and the, uh, the apartment and a little like walkway thing. That the street view, which is another lab that we have. So I found Scranton because I was watching the office, and I was like, looking for college is at the same time, and I was like, Oh, Ha ha. The college is I'm thinking about just as a joke, and I remember actually, in a meeting with my counselor in high school. Oh, she was, like, just talking about all my different colleges that I was thinking about. She didn't even mention Scranton, even though I had it on my college. Um, I was touring around like, New York area, and I knew I wanted to go far away for school. Um, I came here, and I just, like, immediately knew that Scranton was the place for you. Yes, Um, how would you describe, like, the student body? Like, what do you make of our school. A lot of people, It's not the most diverse school, but there is some diversity, and you're able to find like, you're group, I guess, and, like, find different types of people with different backgrounds, different points of view, stuff like that. So you get You still do get a good taste of different people here. Um, what is your least? Syrup are Scream it all there. They do have a lot of activities here in campus, but it would be nice toe. We do have a really nice downtown area, and they have good home things going on around, especially like La Festa. Oh, yeah? You're talking about my past that I haven't movement. Well, it's like an Italian fest, and I have a lot of food and having Labor Day begins. Within the first couple weeks of school, and it's really good. Uh, what's your favorite part about this, um, friend? Uh, yeah, I just love like, the professors are all really, really nice. It's not like super super overwhelming to the point where I'm just, like, dying all the time on Then I always have my friends. There's always new people to meet and everything, so that's possible. Then do you want to talk about what you did last spring break? Oh, yes. Last spring break, I went on a domestic service trip to New Jersey. Then they school worked with, um, uh, organization called St Bernard Project, and they go into different places that have been affected by natural disasters, usually like hurricanes. They help rebuild the houses and do all this different like construction work for free. For these people who, sadly, have been, I mean, sometimes, like in the later stages, usually like I have experienced contractor fraud and different stuff like that. So we went in and we were doing, like, the finishing touches on, um this guy's house and they had it, um, his house raised up and everything they put on, like all new walls, all new pain. We did a lot of painting and then, like the baseboard um oh, the different wall E. And then we also went to a different house for a day and did just like drywall We put on new drywall. So then we just put on the dry wall with the skeleton. So it was a really big difference between the two, but yeah. So it's just another option that you could do here. Yeah, that's there's a lot of service in our school I mean, I enjoy it, so I'll take it.