Working Woman!

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I'm currently at my works for the work box office here on my campus. So when financially felt your fast, we will find out you get it. Then you kind of start looking for jobs on campus. I was looking there one day, for whatever reason, and found that they had an opening. It's not part of my major, so it's kind of interesting for me to be able. Tio, um, continue something in my interests outside of my major. It kind of gives me a break from a lot of hard scientific classes. Um, but work studies kind of like they for me, at least I can sit in office and do like a bit of a project where I could help with the project were tasked. Whatever currently just finished organizing those books. All of those books, so I've been pretty busy the last couple of weeks. Um, but Work said he's pretty awesome, and he's an actual extra cash while you're on campus. Um, and it's nice to know you don't live close to home. You could kind of get a job little bit easier, and it's on campus.