Why I Chose Colgate & Second Semester Thoughts

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Hey everyone. It's madly again. And today I just wanted to share some of my final thoughts about Colgate and just wrap up this semester. So the reason why I love Colgate and continue to love Colgate is that because of its size, it's a really nice, tight knit community where you actually walk around and you'll recognize people and see friendly faces, but it's still big enough for that. You don't walk into a room and immediately know everyone there. There's still that chance to make new connections and new friends in every space. I've never felt trapped for like the need to get off campus here, which I know can be a concern for some of you guys looking at those smaller schools and because it is this small, tight knit community, I really feel safe enough to push myself and explore things. I never would have thought of. Um I'm an english major and I'm double mining in education and environmental studies and I had an interest in those things coming to Colgate, but I never imagined where my studies would take me actually staying on campus this this summer to do research at Colgate Office of Sustainability, which I'm really, really excited for. So I would say overall Colgate is a place where you feel safe and you feel comfortable with the people that you're around, but everyone here really encourages you to push yourself and try new things. Um and that's really what college is all about in my opinion. So for me, my time at Colgate has been just truly a time of growth and development and I am so glad that I still have two more years here. One of the other reasons that I love Colgate so much is just because of how it's structured. So I feel like Colgate really encourages all of their students to explore all of their diverse interests. Um We do have a core curriculum but a lot of our classes cross departments. Um Right now I'm in a class that spans the philosophy department and the environmental studies department, so it's given me a really interesting and nuanced way to discover all this new material. I would say learning at Colgate is all about taking agency in your own academic success. Um You really are encouraged to try so many different things, you don't have to declare a major until the end of your software year, so you really have a lot of time to take a variety of classes, see what you're interested in or next semester and next year I'm really looking forward to studying abroad. I am supposed to be going to London in the spring semester through Colgate and I'm super super excited, I'll be taking all types of english and history classes and I'm really excited to travel. Um That being said I'm definitely gonna miss being on campus for a whole semester. Being on campus is really really shows the spirit of the school. Um Like I said everyone around here really loves being here um and really wants to take advantage of every second they have on campus throughout our four years. That's just kind of where I'm at at the end of the semester and please feel free to contact me. If you have any questions about Colgate, it's been such a positive experience for me so far and hopefully I'll see some of you around campus in the future.