Why Colgate?

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So where are you from? I'm from Bethel Connecticut and why did you choose Colgate? Uh you know, it was actually a very interesting story. You know, a student to faculty ratio, the professors and also the financial aid package. Why did you choose Colgate? I think whenever I visited Colgate I just had such a wonderful experience. That was really what I was looking for in the community that I wanted to end up at. I definitely found that here I chose Colgate because of the liberal arts. I'm an equal in math major and I knew I wanted to do something related to those majors that are beginning. I was just looking for an all around good school and I chose cool again because of the liberal arts because you know, I also want to take classes in history and political science and philosophy, which I did, I did take a coke it. I chose Colgate because I knew I wanted a small liberal arts college that had a good community. They have really good financial aid here but also just like talking to professors and students. Um It seems like a very inspiring place in a place where people really pursue their passions. So that's sort of why I came here and there's like three things that are really emphasize about Colgate out of time, resources and community.