Social scene at Bucknell

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It's currently nine A. M. This is I'm going on my third day of classes cause I just got here a few days ago. Eight, nine AM nine PM last night, so I woke up really early, so I'm like, I figured I would make a video. So I just wanted to talk to you guys about the social life here, a book now, because obviously, social life is such a big component of making your college decision. So Buck now actually is a really big party school, which I originally did not know when I first toward the campus, like first time I torch my camp are my campus. It was my junior year of high school when I kind of just fell in love with it immediately. Um, and then when I started, like, seriously thinking about Bug. Now, once I got in and everything, I found out that it was a big party school and then I was like, Oh, shoot, because I never really party that much in high school and everything, but I'll be honest it's It's really fun here, the parties and everything. Honestly, I've learned that I can't really handle more Finlay going out like three times a week. There definitely are people who will go out whenever they can. With that being said, Greek life is also very big here. Now you're allowed to rush fall semester your sophomore year and then, like any semester after that, I believe. Um, so with Greek life, there is a lot of party, basically, and most of the parties take place downtown, which is literally like a two minute walk from my hole, which is very convenient. Um, whereas I know I have a bunch of friends who have a pill, and it's definitely a further walk for them. That's just like not not anything anybody would ever want to. Then there are parties uphill as well, which are at the frats chapter, houses down. Another important thing, I would say with the Greek life. Sororities do not have houses I actually did like research on this for one of my classes my first semester. A lot of people on campus say it's because it's considered a brothel toe have so many girls living under the same roof. I, like, found that out when I was doing research, but I didn't have, like, assure answer as to why there are no sorority houses in Pennsylvania but their warrant, which I'm honestly like and like, I think it's kind of sexist and everything, but at the same time, I'm kind of happy that I don't have to worry about, like living in a sorority house. Basically in conclusion, Partying is a very big thing here above now, since we are so isolated.