Wenyi Zheng - Why I chose Ivey IB + CEMS

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One of my biggest interest is learning different culture and languages. I believe it's on the third year summer of university life. Um I applied to an exchange program, Ambassador University of Japan which has a lot of fun and value. And there I met a lot of friends who come from all of the world and also gained a deeper understanding of Japanese culture that experience not only cultivate me for saying the world from different angles, but most importantly and motivate me to pursue a career that related to international business and culture studies. It is really interesting and after I made my decision, I realized that my past experience, my past culture background both in China and Canada has already gave me this unique experience for seeing world from different culture backgrounds. Therefore I decided to search different um international business programs in North America. After a few weeks um I decided to apply Ivey. Actually, Ivey has always been my top list and dream school since it has this well designed curriculum and strong and exceptional Ivey alumni network. And most importantly, it is the only CEMS partnersing school was that you got this opportunity to exchange school of the world to get a deeper understanding of different culture.