Welcome to my crib!!! (aka dorm tour)

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So I've been madrona, which is a brand new dorm. A little pair? No. Okay, So first we have a little hangar. Think that neither of us could figure out how to use its always super hot here eighty two, like all the time. Like, a shoe rack that I hung up That inside of the wardrobe is like, So I just have, like, switchers up here on my clothes, hanging in my bathrobe, my personal life belts and that they give you like drawers. Like, I just feel like my shirt's in there and everything and that appear like what? I used to do my laundry. Like different bread. And then, um, over here, I have just, like a little storage bay with, like, socks and stuff. Then here's my bad. So to give you a bed obviously, And you can, like, raise it or lower it or anything I did. By the way, is because I don't like having to, like, step up to get into bad. But I would recommend for sure recommend a mattress topper and a mattress pot. Because it just makes you bad. So much. The beds that you get in the dorms aren't necessarily going to be, like, good at all. I just have, like, room for, like, storage and staff side of a couple crates. I just had, like, all my hair stuff, and I have, like, our school stuff my textbooks on. Then just like a random stuff in here and then on top, I have my shower caddy. Like, so essential and has, like, literally all my stuff. I like my face, lodged my toothbrush, shampoo, body wash, all of that. So recommend get yourself one of those, and then I have a cure. Uh, like, what are my bugs with, like, stevia and sale of stevia. I just put like, a fuzzy blanket over because it's more comfy. So I just have, like, makeup makeup brushes because I do my make up there and just, like hair times, jewelry like o L E D lamp. So I'd recommend that because, like, if you want to study like it's really helpful Island, here's my mirror. I'm gonna have just, like, dealer in perfume lotion on, like some pictures. Oh, I've got to turn on my light So civic you and understood My class schedule is like it's still like the second week of classes. So I still like, Forget where I'm going all the time And I'm my hydro Recommend a hydra for sure And then I have it on trash can cause I didn't know that they were going to give us trash and recycle, But yeah, And then piers like my roommate side, which is basically the same being and I'll show you our view. So we just have, like, a bunch of stuff in here, and then we have a microwave and I'm in here just like dishes and stuff. Then here's like, more food, and we have a bunch of, like food.