Meet my good friend Rizal Aliga!

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I'm a second year legal studies, major education, minor affiliated with kyle college or pro nasser. I have over ten jobs on campus, but i'm involved like a lot of organizations. So i'm just all about collaborate with each other, collaborate with all the organized agents. You're on campus because that's why i feel like there's a misconception here on campus of not everyone wants to collaborate with each other, but that's why i want to do is help bridge the gap between student success and also dr in administration. Find almost everything here at u. C. Santa cruz is the connection with students and faculty administration on the type of person to go to higher ups and talked to faculty and administration because they've been there before. If it be college advisor, maser, advisor, minor advisor or even you know, section ta people. I know it's like really corny cliche to say, but they've been through it already, and they're able to give me advice. We're coming one on one to help get a better grade to help give me better advice and such like that, probably the least for everything you see, santa cruz probably had to say safety and like the lighting of the campus in terms of ok, there's not a lot of light. Post is not a lot of mirrors or lanes for vehicles such as buses. There's like increased traffic and stuff like that. I chose uc santa cruz because small school and i feel like i'm a big fish. I was involved in a lot of organizations in high school. I thought i could translate it and help. Like i said earlier, collaborate with all the organizations are part of and bring it together. That's what all that's what i'm all about. Another thing is to that i made such a big impact you already or in my second year old, just being here. Specifically, you can just make a big impact because there's oil at nineteen thousand five hundred students here, it's increasing. That's the second smallest out all the other uses, which is really, really interesting back, right ? Um, okay. So as a tour guide, i just know that at the ratio for certain classes can be somewhat overwhelming power from legal studies department. I know the biggest class i had was what, like, one twenty or one fifty ? But in my in my classes, like they usually had no sections. So for th is to be like, okay, twenty, thirty student class and pretty much engaging with ta a professional. We always tried to find a way to italians uc santa cruz or the city of santa cruz with the administrative law possum taking right now sports long politics of like no sports isn't sports isn't as big here on campus. What if sports was big here would be a whole unity with, like all the colleges here. There's a bunch of like, legal studies slash politics. I've taken that i feel that have been very helpful towards my learning experience. Was my modern education education classes you know, we're learning about. I learned about south east asia's going immigration. No people who identified from people from india, people from laos, cambodia, vietnam, right now, money about open, unified school, jessica nonprofit. So tell me a little bit about this uniform that you're wearing and what's going on here. So i am a uc santa cruz student ambassador for the uc santa cruz police department. Can see right now, but it's ah, uc santa cruz tap right. A person wants to walk that like so no one wants to walk it like twelve fifteen from science and engineering on wants and go to the village. I know it's kind of misconception and police today and all that. Well, i'm trying to do here is, as mentioned, bridge the gap between students police department to insure that our campus, they say awesome. If you could offer one piece of advice teo, uh, student applying here or a future student, what would you say ? I feel that for any biggest advice i give to assume implying to anywhere or specifically u c santa cruz. You know, it's the home of the banana slugs looking different and, you know, here we have like a big h s. I spent hispanic serving institution of big hispanic latin nix community. Here we have a african black caribbean, abc population growing here as well and seriously sang crews. Like if you want to do any protests or care about social justice, you like we're here to support you. Regardless, if it's something bigger, something small were always there to support you. If you want any advice if you hit me up, if you can hear anybody and love to see you all here.