Getting to Know Lea

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I'm a second year here at U. C a. C. I lived in a mountain view pretty much all my life, which is about an hour from Santa Cruz, just really like UC Santa Cruz because it has such a beautiful campus. Everywhere you go, you're going to see all different kinds of nature, whether it's the redwood trees or deer or even support dogs like, I don't know, um, I think we just have a really good set of students and faculty and a lot of people that are willing to help you. We're like sitting by quarter study comets, which is a really nice place that I like to go. Oh, on the other side of me is quite fun, which I find really relaxing. It's a great element of quarter college, which is the college I'm affiliated. I It's your favorite and least favorite part of U. C. A. C. And why, Oh, favorite part of you see, A is the diversity that we have here. Everywhere I go, I'm gonna see someone different. It just reminds me that we come from all different sectors of life. It's just a really great way to meet new people that you may not have met from your hometown. Um, one things that what fies for people to go to here is if they have any disability, that it's them or gives them a harder time. Walking are moving around because this campus is very hard to get around, even as bait fully able bodied person. If you could give one piece of advice to those applying to U. C. S C or incoming freshman, what would it be? I b deal a lot of different things and put yourself different cubs or organizations that you may not have thought of so much of in the past because you'll realize after coming here that you could have way more interest than you thought you did. Just giving yourself a head start to be in certain clubs that even remotely interest you could give you a really great head start here.