Thoughts from Gabby and Grace!

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We're just like in the little formal area, and I'm here with my friends, So I'm going to ask this questions today. Hi, My name is Gabby Harness, and I'm a Kappa Kappa Gamma at the University of Washington. All my majoring in business at the foster school business here. We're direct admit to the fox or school of business. How would you describe, like, the student body here? There's a lot of students on campus. I think there's about forty thousand of us, so it's pretty big. I'd say there's a lot of ways to, like, find your community within campus, like joining clubs, like being in Greek life. I chose you because I grew up in Seattle, and I just love it here. I just the business program here is really piling range. Okay, we have another friend joining us, So hello, I'm Grace. I'm not quite sure, but right now it's complications. Actually, my dad lives nearby, and I had a bunch of family that went here, so they were like, you supplies go. Then I came up on, visited in someone with and spend a succession of men. So what do you guys think is like the academic climate here? Um, I think you dove is like, kind of a competitive school to get into. The classes atleast thorns that I'm taking are like, difficult but manageable. Like, your big lecture class, and then you go to a smaller quiz section in different day of the week, which is like one on not one on one, but less people in your class with a teacher. Resource is Yeah, I'd say that you definitely have to learn how to be an independent student. I came from a really small high school where all my classes were, like, less than twenty people, So it's definitely strange coming in classes with, like, four hundreds at once. I feel like no matter what your major is like, you're gonna have to take classes that are like, bigger and smaller. Okay, But what are you guys favorite parts at least favorite parts of U Dub. My favorite part about U Dub is, even though it's such a big school, there's so many like places where you can find a community like being in a sorority is super fun, and they're like I'm played water polo here. So that's like a really fun way to get connected to different groups of people. Then I take my least favorite part about U Dub is like, I love that It's a big school, but one of my classes is like a mile away, so that kind of sucks. Part of school is probably how I love how digging vast numbers, everything iss. It's definitely been easy to find ways to make a team small like club guys sororities. I'd say I love new people that I've never met before. One class with it, just like a class of thirty and twenty of them are from. So you said Yes So it's like incredible because never known so many people who are this like, English is in there personally, so it's really interesting.