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So it's graduation day, so it's a bit hectic. The first women's commerce is RC in multi purpose building, but it is one of the campus is named Dining center's over here actor is a Pizza Hut Express, and then there's a subway. There's also we're tables for studying, so I can't go back there right now. Then over here is hot, which is like a convenience store market. This is the only dining center campuses, but this is one of the most, I guess, one of the main ones. You might be wondering, like how two people okay for this? So there is a meal system plan here in peace to you And if you're a fresh been living in a dorm, you are required to get want. There is swipes, and there's they're swipes at. So certain places take dining dollars in certain places, take swipes. Dining dollars are pretty much just act as real money. It's just kind of prepaid onto the plan and swipes their but different. You can get a sandwich regular sandwich combo for one swipe and so on and so forth. You don't have a meal plan, but for my friends that do they usually get around two hundred three hundred swipes? Uh, her semester. You can pick out, so it's really based on your personal preference, but it is a good option. If you aren't making money here, you will always happened to a food options, and VC has a lot, a lot of a lot of options, like I showed you guys there's a fresh she. So if you want something healthier versus just Chako valor Chick fil A because there's a whole freshman fifteen thing, and to avoid putting on this many pounds is possible. When should you guys is the smaller for like, so wakes person. I'm close to the basketball center, so I will go a little bit more in depth about the actual swiping meal plans and what the plans actually are. That's pretty much just just a bit.