Scholar of the Year + Honors College Champ

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He was on the other side of campus, but I just walked back to the grove, and I'm on a side of campus That's more in the academic portion on I'm here to building that you actually haven't gotten to see just yet. Here at the university Mississippi, a part of the salad Dona Marcel honors college. Several printers, blue two front here is one of our lobbies. Stop cause you see different photos, artwork, different things that we have here. One great things about the cyber don't march honors college is that we focus on citizen scholarship. You all just talk of these deep issues through conversations, writing papers and things of that nature again. One of the big things we stress here in the honors college is the conversation, of course. Is the stuff like that how that feels? Um, you know, your critical thinking abilities of things, that nation. Like you said, you like me stay here all day, way home, having killed Mike away, stove, everything you need. While I have a lot more classrooms as well as study spaces here, this lobby here is one of my new classrooms right here. Toms, like over a hundred classrooms have stated our technology plastering beautiful things that nation. What you're involved in on DH. How exactly you got involved in those things? And how do you enjoy them all so well. Hollis was resting Hall three for two years where I oversaw roughly fifty odd number boys and things that they should looks like runners a week. I have actually been a host of other things as well. I'm sort of, um, after American mean, minority affinity group here in Honest College, they just recently got started. Well, too much about the purpose of college is getting involved in learning, You know, you say you don't know it's not about the Grace makes my hands shake, and I definitely attribute my experience that and cannot deny the way the social atmosphere here has changed for the better as well. So definitely grateful be here at all, Miss. So, speaking of your academic levels and like you enjoying your academic studies, would you tell us a little bit more about your majors? And that's what you do? And then begin. You know what philosophy is concerned about, like the fundamental truths and nations of life things, that nature about reality and knowledge sounds a lot more interesting than that. Actually, faces I'm currently writing is about if special ism was the branches fall off of that external existence of studying being and things of that nature. I just really like those things are planned to one day eventually. I love reading and learning about different cultures and stuff like that through our reading and things that nation be exposed for various ideas on the one. So that's one reason why shows a miner and a public policy leadership program here. Just like in general, the students here at the university and an honest college in general. Well, you know, when I'll personally recruited to come coldness, one of the things that do not recruit was this missile deal Anna Parker. I've definitely experienced Amazing here Coldness. Like said being a part of something, we don't abort the honors college, get access to top notch The professor's a state of the art equipment's or help with learning and things that nature as faras people here, Like I said, the social atmosphere. Here's what makes old miss extremely unique, above coarsely as faras race relations as faras on Diversey and close to the things that nation great life. You know, which is a very important aspect here, like some also hope that mission earlier It is natural Pen olynyk counselor, Council's senator on association body. Like dealing with you know, the experience of having that really shape eh? Ah, concept of wholeness that I think a lot of people don't have. You, too, can experience made because over the last four and a half years, I have definitely definitely experienced amazing here. So I guess just to talk about that and you choose to come to university Mississippi and you had such a great time here. Can you tell me like one of your favorite parts and one of your least favorite parts of being here in all this. The world must understand a place like this city, and some people say I understand a place like where you first kind understand place like old Miss. If so, I think sometimes it's kind of superficially like sad around here. I really want to say that's really true because dealing with the social Connor here, especially if it involves race relations, is actually were. I've been here like we took the flat Confederate flag down having K K around here. Despite I said, the nation, those things last statement, probably once it shows consciously death of our common humanity. Oh, Miss. Or, you know, the meeting will someone all the way across the world that there are certain commonality, both good and bad on for all humans and things of that nature. So I really feel like still those things are hard to navigate the world. What's one thing that you would say that someone that's debating on coming here thinking of committing your very city what's like your final words? You have to say them. I think that he just basically summed up what it's like to be old Miss student here.