Circling The Circle

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So we just ran into my friend A J, and it's because his building is right there. It's not just because it's one of the top three special programs that we have here on our campus, like I said. It's actually because we're here in the center of campus as we speak, and it's called the Circle. There's a flagpole, as you can see, and it's the very center of our campus. So that means that no matter where you go, this will always be the center. The cool thing about our campuses has broken down into three factions, and so here behind us, those are some academic buildings there. Behind that is all of our athletic things that we have here on campus, in places and behind us in this way is everything that's residential, where all the students live. So all that leaves is everything academic, which were actually in the middle of her right now. So that was the CMI right there, and next to that is Brevard Hall, which is for all the hard sciences here on campus. Then all of that here is all science until you get down to the corner, which is math and then shoemaker back there is all of our science, mostly biology. Then you continue to go around, and that's Ventures Hall, which we'll get to see a little bit later. It's called a Harry Potter building, and you'll get to see why. That's the International Studies office, which is for the Croft Institute, which is our second of the three special programs that we have here on campus. Then that is Brian Hall, which is our whole for religion and philosophy. That isthe Fulton Chapel, which is a place where you can go a certain classes, mostly the larger classes that have two hundred plus people. That's usually only your freshman year for those large arts classes or things that everyone needs a progress acquit. Then next to that is Peabody, which is for psychology. The really cool building that I want to show you is the Lyceum. The Lyceum is really cool because actually our first university here, Ellen campus and so this was the very first building that was ever on this campus and that made the University of Mississippi, so let's go inside and take a look.