My State App

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The Iowa State has a lot of colleges really don't have is they had their own app is called my state. Within APP. You could check out the hours of the dining center. You can see you and your classes are you could do a ton of different stuff. They recommend that everyone downloads it when they got here. Then if you're considering an Iowa stage, download it and check it out for yourself. So here is my state has this little icon right there so we'll fire it up so you can see the current weather. You can see the bus route, your upcoming classes, dining centers, events so you could see your classes right here. I can see the list as a GP. A calculator has all the different testing centers. So you had a buses go pretty much everywhere, but it's kind of confusing to figure out exactly what route that you need to get on. Dining Here's all the different dining centers. So if you don't want to go someplace without seeing essentially what they have you Khun, check out everything on here. So if you need to contact someone specifically, you can find all the information here. All the events such as lightning, the memorial union, whoever speaking different movies going on that a ton going on all the time I was staying. Affair's thes air, the two engineering Farris This kind of just give more information about them. This has really worked that well, but if it did, it would actually show you which laundering machines are available, but it does not really work. Here's a map that just kind of using Google maps and shows you where your classes are and just main points around campus. Shows a little bit photo stream just has some photos from around campus.