Iowa Student Athlete Week in the Life

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Okay honestly, I have, like, 30 followers subscribers now select. We're big time, and it's a little bit later in the day and we're just getting done with practice. We're gonna do another week in the life and just, like, get her going, you know, get her going goes any go, go a little something like this. It's time to get this bread mid day game, day update. Someone got a little like basket and their friggin so if you will keep you updated with if we find out who did this, but like, there's, like, really intense, like things like a light up a ring. It's like I told you who everybody turned into you. We are about to go rub out once again because I feel like every time we talk to you guys were just about to eat, which is accurate these days are really centered around Jim West checked on my watch. Hey, Ryan, what are we about to do right now? I will see the puppies. This is where we're gonna end this week's video.