Dorm Tour at University of Missouri

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As we can see, um has been a pretty requested a video. If you were wondering, this is what a general dorm looks like here. So this is just the door outside of our inside of my dorm and then we just go over here. I just have, like cleaning supplies and laundry stuff up top. I just have, like, stuff whenever I go home or travel ready like that. So my closets pretty spacious, and they're pretty thankful for that. That's because it we just both public little curtains in front of it so that it because it was dirty, it didn't look dirty. I'm so excited to drink some of that's I have these little signs I showed in my what I got for my dorm video. Kitchen staff down here on a pretty self explanatory have nothing on the bottom because I'm going home next weekend. I just got this color so this is my little like food area. I guess I just have, like, oatmeal a little random peanut butter on top. I have all this stuff for my carried down here straws cups and then down here. If you guys want what? To my shower caddy, let me know. The same supercool from Walmart showed in that other videos, while the dorm video link that down below has like the three sorters, that's really quote dealing whites medium Stark's rates that is just all set them taking home whenever I go home. They have, like they give us tons of furniture's That's nice, but here I just have that stuff. Then down here is my T shirt door, which is very, very full right now. We can have, like, this white, blue grey silver Teeley thing going on here. Yeah, like, it's pretty similar to my room at home. So it's kind of why I like that makes a little bit more homey here. I just have, like, bathroom stuff up there because I just grab that whenever I go. Then down here I just have, like, extra sheets and stuff. Uh, I have some business Portfolio's down here. I believe this pillow is a little pillow like cover that iss from hobby lobby the pillows back there just from, like, Target and the Nice from target. Um, I made all three of those I made that little collage me that and make that sound repping Casey all the way from CO moh. We both have, like, cork boards, so her just a little bit cuter the mind. I have this little like picture thing I can actually turn on lights up who I like. Um, I have a little letter from my grandma just like Jesus stuff on there. I have my laptop stickers from Red Bubble my phone and then we have another one of these A little like George had a stole things. It just has, like, a bunch of band aids, icy hot medicine, all that fun stuff. I have some travel bags back there straight, and I are calling iron than some hair stuff. Whenever I go home, Yeah, you could basically see pretty pretty exciting, I would say. Then we have my desk here, which I don't really use it for. I just pulled this little guy out, like all of these have these little things on them, so I want to use those I can, but that's nice. So if I want to, like, set my hopped up on there and how my homework down here? I can do that by just studying here. Um, I have this little mirror that is from Kirkland's Tamil Tiger ears. If you guys want, like, a in depth makeup collection, I could do that. So that's where makeup that I brought with me All this fun stuff, my little jewelry tray, a makeup mirror? Yeah. I have my backpack just hanging back here Pretty exciting. Yeah, that is my little, like, desk side area human. Most of her stuff is probably from my TV max or target, if you're wondering.