My Advice to Future Susquehanna Students with Sami

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Yeah, the way pieces of advice I can give to future applicants is to just be yourself through the application process and when you're here, you don't have to be somebody that you're not. I know that that sounds like such a mom thing to say in a sense, but I do think it is really important and I know that for me, I really have put a lot more effort in my academics in college than I did in my high school and it definitely shows food for me and my therapist of advice is to go into the box and try things that your high school self with the back and say, wow, I can't believe this awesome have the guts to do that. I never thought I'd be involved with being in a sorority with being on a crew team, with being active with jewish life on campus. I and high school, I always saw myself as a bit of a stay at home Austin and I thought that that was translated to college and food was something that was so out of any sort of realm that I would have ever thought about. I honestly am not the same person who I was when I had a budget school and I think a big part of it is crew given me confidence to be who I am now.