Meet Brent from The King's College!

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It's gonna minor and technology innovation design Another minor in theology I've been here for in the city for 2.5 years. Tonight, uh, put back to myself is that I just started city biking this summer, and I met almost 400 miles between Manhattan for a The King's College is here in Lower Manhattan between Trinity Church and the iconic Booth Colleges. One of my favorite parts of the King's college is our house system. Every student when they come to King's is sorted into one of our 10 houses. I'm a member of the House of Clive Staples Lewis. We have events basically every week, way get together. Studies Way also compete in competition with other houses. Theater code is a very important part of the King's scholars community. When you join the school, you are asked to sign the honor code, which states that due to the King's college will not lie, cheat or steal or turned a blind eye to those who deal. It's very important because it means that you're making commitment to your other students to hold them accountable in all of their actions. That means that if any of your fellow students, your roommates or your friends engaged in some of these activities, your honor bound to confront them, and this could be a very difficult conversation. It's something that you're gonna be a lot better for. The wording of this honor code is not unique to kings. We view through the lens that Matthew, 18, where Jesus said that we're to confront one of their out of love first and foremost, not out of a place of condemnation. We seek to inspire change of people waiting to that happens best when you're confronted. One of my favorite parts about the king's college is our business casual duster for guys. This means that you were at least khakis, khakis, a button down, maybe a tide, nice shoes. That's just kind of my thing, but you don't have to get. The main reason the King's college does this is that it helps prepare you for a career and because of where we are in New York City, we have very great access to all kind of job opportunities, but also internship opportunities, something that we emphasize throughout our time. What chips I got connected with National Review through the career development office this past spring have been worth with them ever since. I hope to see you on campus in New York City very soon.