Meet Ally from The King's College!

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I'm a sophomore at the King's College, and I'm originally from Holland, Michigan. I'm currently in my bedroom in my apartment, and I'm so excited to introduce myself today and talk a little bit about kings. I first found out about kings because my older brother actually went there. It is a pretty small school because it's about 500 kids on campus. Now that I'm there, I love the small size because of the amazing community. So I just added kings to the long list of other schools I was looking at. Then I decided to go to an in Visa, which is King's visit weekends. The first on Visa I went to was an amazing experience. I got to meet so many professors and sit in on classes, and I ended up really falling in love with kings at that first envies. Oh, we also got to go see a Broadway show, and I also stayed with a current student in her apartment, which were both amazing experiences because I got to really know the city, and I got to see what a day to day life is like for assume that kings. So once I saw that, I fell in love with the idea of kings. Because Kings is centered in Lower Manhattan, I will admit that Kings is not the regular college campus experience, which kind of scared me at first. I thought I wanted the regular college campus experience with dorms and the cafeteria and meeting your friends out on the quad. But once I was in the city, I fell in love with how, as students, we were not just secluded on a campus, but we were really involved in the city. I'm in the Brooklyn housing, which is about a 15 minute subway ride to school, but I love it here again, even though it isn't dorm life. I actually am in a department with three other girls, and it's two bedrooms and I love the set up. Although not having a meal plan or a cafeteria might seem scary, it is actually one of the things that I love most. So even though it might seem scary as an 18 year old coming in as a freshman having to make your own food, I think that it is an amazing experience to have to be thrown into because it really prepares you for adulthood. Although campus life looks a little bit different because we don't have the regular dorms or the huge campus, I wouldn't want it any other way way have three floors of an office building right in the financial district and actually to get to school. We get to walk past the stock exchange, which is super cool, and walking on Wall Street to get to school every day does make me feel pretty professional. Kings is pretty small, but I have actually come toe love the community that it creates and the amazing friendships that I'm able to make. You're able to walk into school and walk past the lobby and always see a familiar face, which is definitely something you don't find at a huge college campus. The professors are another reason why I love kings because they're so friendly they will help you with anything. They honestly have the best connections all over the city. My final college decision was a pretty tough one because I couldn't decide if I wanted the campus life or if I wanted the unique experience in the city. What ultimately made me decide on Kings came down to four different things. First was the city because I realized I've always dreamed about living in the city in my mind. I'd always thought that I would do for years at a normal college and then go move to the city and when it came down to it, I realized, Why not just go now? Second would be the professors and the core curriculum that Kings has. Kings has a PPE core, which stands for philosophy, politics and economics, and everyone is forced to take classes that, honestly, I probably wouldn't have picked for myself. It's been an amazing experience to broaden my horizons and learn so many new things. I've had to take economics classes in politics classes. Even though that's not what I'm studying, it has been an amazing eye opener to just the real world. I wasn't sure what I was going into my freshman year, and honestly, I'm not really positive now, either. That's why I love M C. A. Because it's so broad and I can eventually choose a concentration down the line. Third is King's business casual dress code Kings designed this as a way for students to be able to have the smoothest transition from college into a real job. I've come to even love it because I feel very professional when I go to class, and I'm not just showing up in my sweatpants and feeling really lazy and wanting to fall asleep in class, and the fourth would be the small class sizes. I love discussion based learning, and I found that many of those classes were just that because they're so small, you really get to know the professor because you're constantly having discussions in class and you're not just sitting there watching a lecture. Although there are still lecture based classes that can have up to 50 people, I still have found that most of my classes are about 15 people on the average. Not only are we able to really get to know our professor, we also are able to get to know each other, our students, which has created some amazing friendships for me. As you can tell from just listening to all this Kings is a very unique school, but I wouldn't want it any other way. I have found some of my best friends at Kings, and I think what makes all the students especially close is that we're all faced with the same challenges of living in the city, and it's so cool that we get to do it together.