Introduction & Double Dorm Tour

The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
I'm Ashleigh, and I'm going to be your tour guide today. I'm a transfer student and I attend the University of Washington. I am planning Teo Major Communications next quarter. So right now I'm about to meet with my friend Charlotte. She's going to go ahead and help us with our two or so. How do you like willow? I love living in Willow. Just actually super nice, because I've lived in the dorms before, where I had communal bathrooms. What grade are you? And what do you plan to, Major in time of freshman and I'm drinking for finding a fishery. Science is okay and where you're from, and I'm originally from Just come. So what is it like being California living in Washington? Different, right. Especially because we don't get the same cold where I'm from California. What would it be considered? Quote freezing in California. I'm a little more nice, but I see you've got a fantastic view. Like a couple days goes there was like the sun rises like sunset. He just had four cliffs going back in the background. I have two friends that actually were in, I think, Hagit and it's one of the oldest, but they are now in Willow, and they're loving it. So now she's gonna get her stuff, and then we're going to go ahead and keep you guys a tour.