How to find your roommate!

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So in this video, I'm going to be talking about how I found my roommate and some little dorm room essentials, uh, that I have in my room that would really benefit when you come here. So how I found my roommate is when I first applied to Michigan stay and got accepted. Um, they're sending me emails of, like, information of what I needed to know, um, for a Opie and all that. So they sent me an email giving me information how I could find a roommate. One of those ways is through room sink on Facebook. Um, so if you go to Facebook, you, Khun, search for its just called room sink. Like, um, what kind of things you didn't high school. It will give you some suggestions of which kind of roommate. Um, would you probably most likely get along with, Um, so I kind of like pears you up. What people like to compare it to, um and I found it really beneficial. Um, other girls on their seeing if they were interested, are looking for a roommate. Then one girl introduced me to this group chat that they somehow had going. So she added me to a group meet group chat with bunch of other girls. Um, and so I said a little bit about myself in that, and that's where, uh, my roommate, freshman year reached out to me. Um, we kind of live near each other, so we kind of knew each other. Yeah, Um, we were roommates for freshman year and then first offering you this this year? Um, I was just I roomed with one of my friends that I met last year. How to do that? Um, some room essentials, I guess, is the number one. If you want to hang anything on your walls, get command hooks. Uh, because that's really important you about anywhere. Um, also power strips, um, are really helpful and, like extension cords, because you're gonna want to plug in your computer over here. Your TV over here, your refrigerator, over here. Um, they're just really helpful for when you wanna plug in things across room.