How I Chose Susquehanna University with Sami

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Hi, my name's Salmon quite, I am a senior communications and international studies, double major. I have finals and math history, Arnold's and data science and analytics applying to colleges. I know some people have the feeling that like when they walk on campus they're like, this is the place for me and I can honestly tell you that did not happen to me. I have been super and decided about majors, minors and everything in between. So fine to college was something that was also really stressful and ultimately I lived on a bunch of different schools, but Susquehanna always had a really special place in my heart. It was just something about how the students interacted with each other and how they interacted with me even though I was prospective students and they just made me feel at home right away. So ultimately I think that that's what moved me to apply to Susquehanna. I even had a giant poster board with all the locals of schools that I wanted to apply to and frozen consulates on each one. Ultimately what I realized was I was trying to make up counts for Susquehanna and I realized I had found my whole school and it was a squad hana. So that's how Susquehanna is the place for me.