Hosting My Own Radio Show on WQSU at Susquehanna University with Shannon

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I am the promotions officer here at W. Q. S. You. So essentially why W. Q. S. U. Is important to me. Um, I grew up in Selinsgrove listening to W. Q. S. You every day on my way to and from uh my dad's place at work. I remember one day telling my father, I was in about sixth grade just thinking of the potential of me going into college. I said to him, hey dad, I want to have my own radio show but I didn't want to actually major in broadcasting. So when I started the college search, one of my criteria was if they had a radio station and every place that I would look at, they would only allow communication students to join until I went to Susquehanna, anyone can join the station regardless of major. W. Q. S. U. Has been a great outlet for me here at W. Q. S. U. We offer a bunch of different opportunities for students of any major to join in on. We are one of the most powerful student run stations in the state of pennsylvania. We have a 10,000 watt station, which means you can hear us in a 70 mile radius from here. Uh, we also live stream via google home Alexa as well as our website on WP usu dot com. Uh, so if you ever want to tune into us and check this out, you can do that. Um, but we also teach all our students on set up, which is one of the industry standards right now in the broadcast world. So all of our students are learning on the best equipment possible that we can provide. We're one of the most awarded stations as well on suspect on a campus. We're the third largest organization with about 10% of our student population joining, so we're quite large, were a huge family here at Susquehanna. Uh, WPS you especially, and if you ever want to reach out, uh, to W. Q. S, you, you can feel free to do so.