Enfield Basketball Court and Hampshire Athletics with Taos

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Another thing I enjoyabout Hampshire Collegeis the basketball court right herein one of the residence facilities.I have lived in thisresidence facility Enfieldfor going on my second year now.In between classes, on the weekends,I like to come out here10and I like to put up some shots.11It's a great way to clear my mind,12get some physical exercise,13enjoy some good time.14There's other people in the residencies15who also come out16and play with me sometimes,17so that's good news.18I'm on the soccer team,19so it is pretty important20that I stay in shape anytime I can.21The soccer field happens to be22a walk across campus,23so here's my game.24Since we are in the COVID-19 pandemic25and I've been inside a lot,26my shot is probably27going to be a little bit rusty,28but we'll see how I do.29At Hampshire, I have control30over what I study31and I have control over my schedule,32so I always work in some time33to get some exercise.34If I don't feel like playing basketball,35there's two indoor athletic facilities36that have saunas, climbing walls,37exercise equipment,38and a swimming pool.39Outside, there's also trails I can use.40As a college student,41there's a lot of stress,42so I like to come out here,43unwind a little bit,44shoot some hoops,45get some fresh air,46and de-stress my mind.47I joined the Hampshire College48soccer team my first year49because I wanted to just get in shape.50At Hampshire,51we've got a really good track team52and cross country team.53We've also got two soccer teams,54two basketball teams,55as well as some other56recreational activities57that I'm sure you'd be able to get58some people to come out59and join you in a group with.60Also, ultimate frisbee happens to be61a very, very notable feature62at this school.63As a member of the soccer team,64an added benefit is being able to travel,65so I've been able to travel a lot66in New England, Maine,67New Hampshire, and Vermont68to play soccer.69Even though I'm the captain70of the soccer team,71I enjoy being able to use72some of these other facilities73to help keep me in shape74that are convenient to my schedule,75like the basketball court.76Come check out Hampshire sports.