Computer Science Class Java

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Yeah, right now we're in a software engineer. We're learning about Java, and this is a pretty big class big lecture. S. So how do you like this class? I enjoy together. Do you think it's hard or like, what do you think? Like the course work is Well, it's hard to say I came in knowing zero coding at all. So this is definitely a difficult What's your major commuter signs, Your science and how are you doing? How do you feel about this class? It's good. Is already pretty much took this class in high school. So I I know all of the stuff we're learning because I took a couple of classes in, uh, high school about programming and like about Java and also it. I can definitely see it being hard for somebody with no programming background. Do you like the class structure? Yeah, yeah, ay dio It's nice heaven, like the homeworks and nice having the labs to get an idea of what we're doing, and then the homework says more of a Yeah, flushed out version of the labs and all. Yeah, what do you do in lives? So the labs are just wait there, making sure that you know, like how certain parts of job workplace and making sure that you can turn in your homework stand all that sort of stuff kind of going over the class, going over stop that we've learned in class Past wing can just kind of letting you play around with it during cool, and that's it.