College off campus apartment move in day

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What's up? It's Abby and I have to move out of my house like today. So that's what I've been doing all morning. I've been packing up shit and getting in boxes and moving and getting into my car. I haven't gone over to the apartment building yet, but about to. That's really not gonna be that hard, because I don't have furniture yet. All my furniture is coming on the third directly to my apartment's being delivered. So all I have is just like closed boxes and like all my other crap. I have to get out today, So that's what I've been doing. The house is like super empty, and it's like freaking me out, but yeah, so I'm just gonna start moving and go over the apartment soon and get the key and start putting boxes in the apartment. I'm doing it all by myself because, um, no friends, no sitting, but like my parents are out of town. My sister's busy everyone's busy, and so I'm just stuck moving, corrupt by myself. So but this is so far like what's still not back to my car, But yeah, there's so much clothes in this, like, all filled with just close. I still have so many bags and boxes in the car with grows, but I won't have a small car for the rest of my life. You can't move anything, and your car goes down to the ground when there's, like, the slightest wait in the car like it's just so great. Like, I can't wait to ruin my car today and yeah, okay. First have actually been in the apartment is so dope. I'm dead. Okay, so let me do a quick, empty apartment or for you guys. Okay? It's not gonna be a realistic one, but here we go. There's, like, a little space right here and then up here. This is another better make here where she's already started moving her stuff. This isn't what I need to go head now and get the rest of my boxes. It's gonna be a long process, because I'm on the third floor and the elevators are show slow. I don't have any like cart or anything, so I can finesse one from someone, but yeah, So I'm gonna go ahead and go get the rest of it when you fun ness, a shopping cart and your life gets dramatically. Talking to a guy and I was like, so like, are you still using that car? And he was like, No, Do you want Oh, yeah, I've been carrying like these heavy boxes These giant Tubbs two at a time by myself up in elevator and lots of, like, across the parking lot. I was just like, Yes, now moving is going to be a lot easier. I'm not letting go of this car is my like right now, me and this cart are in this together family photo. It's actually a lot later than I remember the last time. I'm currently standing in my new apartment back through Really, really excited. I still don't have for richer, but like I started putting things away like I hate with moving is just so much work. This is the third time I've lived this year, and I'm over it, so Yeah, but I'm gonna go ahead and hop in my brand new Shaler and shower because I feel disgusting. Yeah, um, can can What's up? It's Abby and I have to move out of my house like today, So I have to move out of my house like today. So all I have is just like closed boxes and like all my other crap that I have to get out today. I'm doing a desk, Um, that we built Yes, the other day. I started hanging things up, but I still need some more like decorations for over here. Yes, that's kind of you, but yes, that's what it looks like right now. I think I showed it, but it just sits right over here and then, like the window. Yeah, nice little sitting area in the apartment, but yeah, So we're gonna go to Ross today, and I'm gonna get some more decorations for the apartment. I have a list taking that bitch with me and health final behaving and yeah, we're gonna go. So I was just editing the video, the whole flog me moving into my apartment and I realized I never officially ended it because not that great of longer. I, I hope you guys enjoyed watching me move into my college apartments by guys.